
I don't know what I'm doing...

And it is crazy because I know that whenever I start a blog I kill it on accident. Some people can't keep plants alive: I can't keep blogs alive.

I figure I'll try now, though, since I have something to write about that is slightly more interesting than myself. At least I think so.

So let me explain the title, it will be the only time. My story started almost seventeen years ago with a small Sunday school service in Misawa, Japan. I first excepted Christ at that time. I was two. And as much as people tend to smile and smirk a little when I say this, chalking it up to influence and youth, let me tell you something. I believe their is a faith and understanding that children have that far surpasses that of grown-ups, and I truly believe that Jesus entered my heart that day and I began my journey.

So my story started. Since then I've been walking an extremely interesting life. A lot of really difficult times and issues, as well as times that I treasure. I know it's the same of a lot of people. But my difference, and the difference of any follower, is that God is the one directing my steps. And so I begin another part of my journey.


It's an interesting word that evokes all sorts of emotions and thoughts and memories. For me, the greatest one is excitement. The second is a memory of moving from Japan to Alaska, where I currently live. Odd memories. Fun, too. I can't wait.

So I'm writing this blog in an effort to sort out my thoughts and see what happens. I'm also curious to see the journey in words, and a blog is an easy tool to keep track. So I hope that this blog won't end up dead like the others, but instead that God would bless it and allow others who are perhaps in the same place to be encouraged and comforted.

Welcome. It's a wild ride.

--Moving Girl

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